Fortnite has been a popular battle royale game since its release in 2017, and the game continues to add new challenges and rewards to keep players engaged. One of the latest challenges in Fortnite’s “Most Wanted” series involves claiming a named location that contains a cold-blooded vault. This challenge is not only fun and exciting, but also requires strategic planning and quick thinking. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the challenge, its requirements, and some tips on how to successfully complete it.

Where to Find Cold Blooded Vaults
To complete the Cold Blooded Vault challenge in Fortnite Most Wanted, players need to claim a named location that contains the vault. The good news is that there are three locations on the map where players can accomplish this:
- Brutal Bastion
- Faulty Splits
- Shattered Slabs
Players do not have to complete the challenge at all three locations, just claiming one of them is enough to complete the challenge.

How to Claim a Named Location Containing a Cold Blooded Vault
To begin the Cold Blooded Vault challenge in Fortnite, players must first mark one of the three locations on the map that contain the vault. These locations are indicated by a vault icon, making them easy to spot. Once players have landed in the location, they should search for a flag pole with a circle around it. To capture the location, players simply need to stand within the circle until the flag is fully raised. Upon capturing the location, players will be rewarded with a variety of loot.
However, players should be careful when attempting to capture these locations as other players and AI enemies may be in the area. To increase the chances of success, players can take advantage of the early stages of the match when other players are focused on finding loot. By capturing the location early, players may also be able to obtain powerful weapons to help them defend themselves.

Check out this short video on how to claim a named location containing a cold blooded vault:
We hope you successfully completed the Claim a Named Location Containing a Cold Blooded Vault quest! If you liked this guide, make sure to check out our other Fortnite Articles!