Hello my Tarnished ones, welcome to another guide of this awesome game that is Elden Ring! Today, I will help you complete Iron Fist Alexander’s quest, everyone’s favorite giant jar guy.

Though, I got to say beforehand that his quests are rather long to complete. Also, you’ll have to be on some very specific places and, in an open world game, this can be rather frustrating. However, they are quite simple to complete as well. If done properly, you are able to gain unique items and have Alexander’s help in two specific tough boss battles. That apart from knowing him better, of course, that’s the real deal.
Let’s start from the beginning, shall we? I will give you the location of his quests in order and what you will have to do, so you don’t have to worry. Let’s see them!
Observation: If you’ve already started the Radahn Festival at Redmane Castle in Caelid, you won’t be able to find Alexander in these two initial locations, so, it is best to help him first.
Quest no 1 – First appearance
To start, you first have to find him, obviously. Buy don’t worry, it is pretty easy to do so, especially because he won’t go anywhere. At least, not without your help.

At northern Stormhill, close to the Saintsbridge Site of Grace, you are able to encounter him for the first time. You will hear Alexander being… loud, so it’s simple to locate him and, after all, he is a giant talking jar, so come on.

There, he will ask for a favor, to unstuck him of the ground. If you accept (and of course you will, he is an adorable cutie pie, you can’t deny anything from him), all you’ll have to do is attack with your weapon on his back until he is finally unstuck.
While doing so, you will receive the Triumphant Delight Gesture. After that, you just have to talk to him until the dialogue is finished. With it, you’ll obtain his real reward, a piece of Exalted Flesh. Disgusting, yes, but that’s what you get for now.

When you are done, Alexander will comment of the Radahn Festival. You can go there, but if you do, you will miss out another encounter with him. So instead, let’s go to the Gael Tunnel in Caelid.
Quest no 2 – The dungeon
As mentioned, Alexander’s next location is in Gael Tunnel, located in the border between Caelid and Limgrave.

After completing the dungeon, and gaining some interesting loot there, you will find him just past the last locked door, so the only trouble here is to not get jump scared and break him by mistake, heh.
When talking to him, he will comment again about the Redmane Castle and about the festival, and we discover he is another Radahn fanboy, but still, who isn’t?

When done with the dialogue, he will finally lead to the so called festival, and so are you.
Quest no 3 – Radahn’s boss battle
Next, you will find Alexander at the Redmane Castle’s Plaza with some other participants, willing to defeat Radahn, but for good reasons, as crazy as this sounds.
So yeah, now you’ll have to kill the strongest character in the Elden Ring’s lore, but wait! Remember I said Alexander would help you in two crucial fights? This is one of them! After all the talk, you can summon him during Radahn’s boss fight, having an incredible ally on your side.

Unfortunately, again, I can’t help you with this tough combat, but I can give a friendly advice… keep your eyes on the sky. Trust me, you will know when the time comes.
When done with the battle, first of, congratulations, and second, you’ll find Alexander just south of Starscourge Radahn, in the Dunes, devouring corpses in order to get stronger. Err… Let’s ignore that fact and exhaust his dialogue once more for him to move places again.

Quest no 4 – Stuck again
Continuing this crazy task, you’ll find our jar friend in Liurnia of the Lakes, following south of the Carian Study Hall. And guess what, Alexander is stuck again on the ground (I have no idea how or why, but that’s what it is).

You won’t free him just by smashing his back this time. You’ll need to get him slippery to be able to unstuck. For that, you just need to throw some oil pot at him and then… attack his back again, yeah.
As a reward, he will grant you another Exalted Flesh (yummy), and tell you he’ll get even stronger than he already is by leading north. He is a Jar Warrior after all.

When done with all the dialogue again, you’ll get to know Alexander was gazing down at his homeland, Jarburg, from a nearby cliff. This is an important place to explore to continue his main quest, so, go there by descending the giant gravestones at the nearby cliff.
At Jarburg village, you will find another important NPC, Jar Bairn, Alexander’s nephew. It is best to also finish his dialogue. However, you’ll need to reload the area a few times to do so.
Quest no 5 – Lava? Jar? Fire Giant?

Now, the craziest part of this entire thing, you will find Alexander in the west side of Mt. Gelmir, near Fort Laiedd and the Seethewater Terminus site of grace. Also, be careful, for there is a boss nearby, the Magma Wyrm. Defeat them and you’ll finally be able to talk to your BFF Alexander.
He will be there… standing on lava. On. Lava. Take a minute to think about it.

Ok now, continuing… If you approach him from the rocks and exhaust his dialogue, he gives you one of his most valuable processions, the jar. Yes, it is a jar, but also, a helmet jar. This is also his symbol of friendship so, honestly, I could just end this article here. This is simply majestic.
Ahem… ok, ok, fine, moving on… Remember the Fire Giant I mentioned near the Rivers of Blood Katana location? Yep, that boss. Is so beautiful when some things connect to each other.

After defeating Bloody Finger Okina, the mini boss of the Mountaintops of the Giants region, you can fight the Fire Giant with Alexander’s help again! Just summon him when the time comes, and good luck!
Quest no 6 – The Finale
Lastly, when you thought that not Radahn, not magma nor even the Fire Giant could break this jar man, Alexander asks for the worst thing possible.

At the Crumbling Farum Azula, from the Dragon Temple Lift grace, past the plaza full of undeads, he will challenge you for a duel, a duel of honor. Yes, my friends, a battle to the death. (I’m not crying, you are!)
There’s not much you can do here, because if you lose, he will keep on challenging you (great).
So, when you eventually win, he will give his last speech and give you the Alexander’s Innards and the Shard of Alexander (cries).

Well, at least, the Shard of Alexander is used to boost the attack power of Skills by 15%. So, he is still kind of with you…? (I’m trying to be positive here).
And for the Alexander’s Innards, well, you can give it to his nephew Jar Bairn in Jarburg, after the village was attacked by poachers. Doing so, you will receive the Companion Jar, a talisman that raises your potency of throwing pots by 20%.

Ok, ok, I can’t handle this anymore, so let’s end this article here. I hope I could help you guys and always remember to keep our Jar Buddy stuck in your heart!
If you’d like, you can also check out more Elden Ring guides!