In the vast realm of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, adventurers stumble upon not only epic quests and grand battles, but also a treasure trove of captivating side quests. Nestled within the enchanting Kakariko Village, a place teeming with hidden tales, one particular Side Quest beckons heroes to unravel its mysteries. The “Gloom-Borne Illness” awaits those brave enough to venture into the renowned Armor Shop, a place notorious for its exorbitant prices. Within this article, we will guide you on where to commence your journey and provide the necessary steps to successfully complete the daunting “Gloom-Borne Illness” side quest. Brace yourself as we embark on a quest to restore hope and lift the shroud of darkness plaguing Kakariko Village.
How to Start the Quest
To embark on the “Gloom-Borne Illness” side quest, follow these steps to initiate the quest and begin your journey towards finding a cure for the afflicted grandmother in Kakariko Village.
- Arrival in Kakariko Village: Upon your arrival, make your way to the Armor Shop and discover the exorbitant prices attached to each piece of armor set, a staggering 5,000 Rupees per piece. Engage in conversation with the shop’s proprietor, who reveals that their grandmother has fallen ill after being exposed to the gloom emanating from a nearby chasm. However, this interaction alone does not initiate the side quest.
- The Search for the Quest Trigger: Depart from the Armor Shop and follow the main path eastward through the village. Keep your eyes peeled for a campfire along the way. Once you spot the campfire, proceed down the trail that lies ahead, crossing a small bridge. Ahead, you will come across an NPC named Lasli, who sits under a small canopy beside a cooking pot.
- Conversing with Lasli: Engage Lasli in conversation and exhaust all available dialogue options. Through this interaction, you will officially initiate the “Gloom-Borne Illness” side quest, setting in motion the quest to find a solution for the grandmother’s ailment.
How to Complete Gloom-Borne Illness
To successfully complete the “Gloom-Borne Illness” side quest and bring relief to Lasli’s grandmother in Kakariko Village, follow these steps to gather the necessary ingredients and prepare a healing porridge:
- The Porridge Recipe: Learn that Lasli’s grandmother can only consume porridge, but it hasn’t been effective in curing her gloom sickness. Your objective is to make a special porridge that will heal her. The recipe requires three key ingredients: “Sundelion,” “Hylian Rice,” and “Fresh Milk.”
- Obtaining Fresh Milk: The easiest ingredient to acquire is Fresh Milk. Head to “Lookout Landing” and seek out the merchant named Parga. Purchase one bottle of Fresh Milk from Parga’s inventory for the price of 12 Rupees.
- Finding Hylian Rice: Hylian Rice can be purchased as well, though the exact location is not explicitly mentioned. If you have visited “Hateno Village” in the eastern region, the local shop there should have it in stock. Alternatively, Lasli mentions that traveling merchants west of Kakariko Village may also sell Hylian Rice. Keep an eye out for such merchants, and you might even encounter one who carries both the rice and milk, streamlining your search.
- Locating a Sundelion: The most challenging ingredient to find is the Sundelion, a special plant renowned for its healing properties. These plants predominantly grow in sunny high-altitude areas, often found on sky islands. If you have thoroughly explored the world, chances are you may have already stumbled upon a Sundelion. However, if you haven’t, consult the “Sundelion” Database page for multiple locations where they can be found.
- Cooking the Porridge: Once you have gathered all three ingredients, return to Kakariko Village and locate Lasli. Access your inventory and ensure you have one of each ingredient. Toss them into the cooking pot near Lasli to prepare the Sunny Veggie Porridge. After creating the porridge, speak to Lasli again, drawing her attention to your creation. This will trigger subsequent scenes, leading to the resolution of the side quest, with Lasli rewarding you with Energizing Veggie Porridge.
- Revisiting the Armor Shop: If you return to the Armor Shop following the completion of the quest, you will notice a significant reduction in the prices of the armor pieces. Though they may still appear expensive, the cost will be notably lower than before, offering you a chance to acquire the valuable equipment.
By diligently collecting the ingredients, crafting the healing porridge, and witnessing the culmination of the quest’s events, you not only aid Lasli’s grandmother but also unlock a more affordable opportunity to obtain the coveted armor from the Armor Shop.
Check out this short video on how to complete Gloom-Borne Illness:
We hope you have now a better understanding on how to get complete the “Gloom-Borne Illness” quest in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom! If you liked this guide, make sure to check out our other Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Articles!