That Tea Tastes Thorny is one of the side-quests available in One Piece Odyssey. The side-quests show on your map marked with a blue marker though after you initiate one you won’t have any directions which may make things a bit confusing. This how to complete the That Tea Tastes Thorny Side-Story in One Piece Odyssey guide will make sure you won’t get lost while navigating through the anime world.

Where can you Initiate the Quest
To initiate the quest, you will need to have completed chapter 3 as well as the Talented Doctor Side Story. Once you do so go to the entrance of Alubarna, head north until you find a lady crying on the side of the road. The lady lost two jars and needs your help to find them. Agree to help her in order to initiate the quest.

How to Complete the Side-Story
This quest is pretty straightforward since all you need to do is talk to two guards to find the two jars of tea leaves for Lief.
1st Guard – Head east down the alley just right of Lief, talk to the guard with a blue marker above his head. Once you finish the conversation he will then give you the jar of tea leaves.
2nd Guard – Return to the main street and head north until you find a general store to your right. The guard will be just north of the store. This time after speaking to him he won’t just hand you the jar, instead he will tell you about a group of suspicious people in a alley nearby. Head down to the alley east of the guard and speak to one of the people there. You will have to battle two enemies one is Technique-type and the other Speed-type. Once you defeat them you will get the second jar of tea leaves.
Now head back to the Tea Merchant and the quest will be complete!

Hopefully you were able to complete the hat Tea Tastes Thorny side-story by following our guide. If you liked this article, make sure to check out our other One Piece Odyssey Articles!