In the enchanting world of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, a captivating Shrine Quest known as The White Birds Guidance awaits. This intriguing adventure commences with an encounter with Laissa, a forgetful Rito from Rito Village desperately seeking the location of a once-familiar cave. As the valiant hero of this realm, it’s up to you to aid Laissa in her quest for rediscovery. Join us as we unveil the secrets of The White Bird’s Guidance, providing a concise guide to conquering its challenges and unlocking its treasures. Prepare to spread your wings and embark on an unforgettable journey through the magical landscapes of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. Adventure awaits!
How to Complete The White Birds Guidance
Here’s a step-by-step guide to Completing The White Bird’s Guidance in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom:
- Climb to Vah Medoh’s Perch: Start by ascending to the top of the mountain in the center of Rito Village. The perch is an overhanging ledge that juts out. It can be reached by climbing the various overhands from the top level of Rito Village.
- Wait until Dawn: Once you reach Vah Medoh’s Perch, you’ll need to wait until dawn for the next step. Alternatively, you can skip time by using a campfire if available.
- Look for the Shadow: Around 6:00 am, observe the shadow cast by Vah Medoh’s perch. Pay attention to the “beak” area of the shadow. You’ll notice a small white patch of snow resembling a bird.
- Glide to the Cave: Glide towards the area indicated by the white patch of snow. This is the location of the cave that Laissa mentioned. The specific coordinates of the white bird’s beak are -3954, 2035, 0205.
- Enter the Cave: Once you reach the cave, enter through the white bird’s beak. The cave is a straightforward and short path that directly leads to Wao-os Shrine.
- Look for the Bubbul Frog: Halfway through the cave, you’ll come across a ledge leading to an adjoining room. Keep an eye out for this ledge, as it contains the cave’s Bubbul Frog. You’ll notice icicles hanging from the ceiling near the entrance of this room.
- Activate the Shrine: Reach the end of the cave and activate Wao-os Shrine, the final destination of The White Bird’s Guidance.
- Enter the Shrine: Once the shrine is activated, enter it to embark on a new challenge and discover the rewards that await you within.
By following these step-by-step instructions, you will successfully complete The White Bird’s Guidance in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.
How to Complete Wao-os Shrine
Here’s a step-by-step guide to completing Wao-os Shrine:
- Assess the Shrine: At first glance, Wao-os Shrine may appear daunting due to the scattered pieces. Your objective is to shoot a ball at the targets in front of you using the plank at the ledge as a lever.
- Gather the Objects: You have three objects at your disposal – a bowl, a ball, and a cube. These will be used to manipulate the lever and hit the targets.
- Attach the Bowl: Attach the bowl to the edge of the ‘lever’ closest to the shrine’s entrance. This will serve as the initial position for launching the ball.
- Place the Ball: Put the ball inside the bowl without attaching it. Ensure that it is positioned securely but not fixed in place.
- Drop the Cube: Drop the cube on top of the half of the lever above the pit below. This action will launch the ball forward towards the targets.
- Hit the First Target: Successfully hitting the first, lower target will unlock the gate next to you. This gate will provide you with a wooden board.
- Extend the Lever: Place the wooden board at the edge of the lever closest to the shrine’s entrance, extending its length. Then, move the bowl to the new end of the lever.
- Repeat the Process: Repeat the process from Step 4, launching the balls using the cube. Experiment with the height at which you drop the cube to find the right trajectory. The extended length of the lever will make the ball fly much farther.
- Hit the Second Target: Keep launching the balls until you hit the second target, which will unlock the shrine’s exit.
- Launch Yourself: Utilize the same method as before by standing in the bowl. Launch yourself over to the exit, reaching it successfully.
- Claim Your Reward: Reach the exit, and claim your Blessing of Light as a reward for completing the Wao-os Shrine.
By following these step-by-step instructions, you will conquer the challenges of Wao-os Shrine and attain its rewards.
We hope you have now a better understanding on how to complete The White Birds Guidance in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom! If you liked this guide, make sure to check out our other Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Articles!