Hello trainer, have you bought enough repel before going to your journey? If yes, then throw them away, because today I will give you tips on how to gain your Pokémon’s trust and friendship in Pokémon Legends: Arceus. If you are wondering why those are important is because of two things:
First, some Pokémon can only evolve when gained much friendship level, just like some Eevee evolutions, such as Espeon, Umbreon and Sylveon. Second, what kind of monster would not want to see their Pokémon happy? So grab some berries, take your Pokedex with you, and let’s go!

1. How to defeat Kleavor
The friendship level with your Pokémon is already there since the beginning, but you are only able to see it’s rank after some time, more specifically, after calming Kleavor down, the Lord of the Woods. This is the first boss fight or, in this case, the first Noble Pokémon fight in the game, so it won’t be hard to miss it out.
Kleavor will appear at level 18, it is a Bug and Rock type Pokémon, so, it’s weaknesses are Water, Steel and Rock type’s moves.

However, the battle may be somewhat difficult in the beginning, since it doesn’t depend on attacking and throwing Pokeballs like any other Pokémon game so far. You will have to dodge, yes, your character has to dodge their attacks in order to not get knocked out. Pretty fun right?
While doing so, you also have to throw balms into them, to lower their frenzy bar and then, finally, be able to have a regular Pokémon battle with them.
2. How to unlock the Friendship feature
After managing all that, congrats, you won the battle! And once this main quest is complete, a new NPC, called Belamy, will show up in town, at the Ranch in Jubilife Village.

To unlock the Friendship status, all you have to do talk to him and he will give you the Request #28, “Measuring Your Compatibility”. For this, you just have to show him a happy Pokémon, one with high Compatibility. Don’t worry, your starter Pokémon surely has it by now… unless you didn’t treat them well.
After completing his request, Belamy will always help you out to check your Pokémon’s friendship status. Just show him your partner, and you are good to go. Unfortunately, that’s the only way to know if their happiness is high enough or if needs some improvement.

Oh yeah, he also doesn’t give you specific numbers, only evaluations. These are they:
Friendship Value | Statement |
255 | You and (your Pokémon) are as friendly as can be! You must simply adore each other’s company! |
200 – 254 | What an excellent pair of friends you and (your Pokémon) make. You must mean a lot to each other! |
150 – 199 | You and (your Pokémon) seem to be fast friends. You must be quite good companions! |
100 – 149 | (Your Pokémon) seems to get on well with you. But I’m sure it could get on better! |
50 – 89 | I suppose (your Pokémon)’s become a bit friendly toward you, but you’ve a ways to go… |
0 – 49 | (Your Pokémon) seems leery of you yet. New to the team, perhaps? |
3. How to gain Friendship levels
There are some ways to level your Pokémon’s trust up. Some are better than others, but all of them work and will surely make your Pokémon happy:
- Let them in your party: even if not used much in battles, having your Pokémon with you already gives them some Friendship points. Is not much, but it is a passive way to do it.
- Battle with them and win: it is pretty much self-explanatory, but be careful to not loose battles often. Every time your Pokémon faints, it actually loses some friendship points
- Keep them healed: just like losing battles, keeping your Pokémon in low health also makes them lose some friendship points.

- Gather resources: you can gather them by letting your Pokémon pick up minerals and berries from berry trees that appear in the map. Just throw the Pokeball at it and your Pokémon will do the rest.
- Level up: this is another passive way to do it, since your Pokémon will level up eventually.
- Give them exp or rare candies: by giving your Pokémon these candies, not only they can evolve much, much faster, but also they gain much, much more Friendship levels, so, without doubt, this is the fastest and best way to do it. The con is, well, exp candies are very expensive to buy and difficult to find, so good luck.
4. Pokémon who need Friendship to evolve
I got to admit, there aren’t many Pokémon who need high Friendship level to evolve, but the ones that need it are quite adored by fans since ages ago. Trust me, I would know.
Here is a list of Pokémon who require your love and attention:
- Pichu > Pikachu
- Togepi > Togetic
- Munchlax > Snorlax
- Golbat > Crobat
- Buneary > Lopunny
- Chansey > Blissey
- Clefairy > Clefable
- Riolu > Lucario (evolve during daytime)
- Budew > Roselia (evolve during daytime)
- Chingling > Chimecho (evolve during nightfall)
- Eevee > Sylveon (any time, but must know one Fairy-Type move)
- Eevee > Espeon (evolve during daytime without a Fairy-Type move)
- Eevee > Umbreon (evolve during nightfall without a Fairy-Type move)

Once they’ve gained enough Friendship status, they will be able to evolve at the next level up. They won’t evolve themselves, just like other Pokémon in this game, so when the time comes, you have to choose for them when to evolve.
There you have it, a guide on how to make your BFF happy! Hope it helped, and have a great journey ahead, trainer!
Check out more content on Pokémon Legends: Arceus!