Warzone 2 just dropped with its fair share of problems. Despite that it’s still an amazing game and players want to know how to get a loadout given that it has changed since its prequel the original Call of Duty: Warzone. Needless to say, getting a loadout will give you a significant edge over your opponents so make sure to read our how to get a loadout in Warzone 2 guide to not miss out!

As we have mentioned before there was a substantial change from the original Warzone. Before you could pool money together and buy them at a Buy Station now there are several different methods to do it. More specifically three methods. We will explain all of them in detail.
So how can you get a loadout?
You can buy your primary weapon from Shops for five thousand cash. You cannot purchase a full loadout, but it will give you a primary weapon and its attachments.
The next method are Strongholds. These are AI-controller fortresses, there are three in each game, and they are marked on the map shortly after you land. You should keep in mind they are extremely high risk, but you know what they say high risk high reward. So, it’s up to you if you want to take that danger. To get the loadout you need to go inside, make your way down to a crate and disarm a bomb. After that everyone on your team can pick a loadout from the crate. Stay wary of enemy teams nearby.
The third and final method is loadout drops. These are special boxes that contain a full loadout. They are marked as yellow crates on the map and they can occur between the second circle and the sixth circle. Everyone can see them so they will not be easy to get.

What is a Black Site?
The first squad to wipe out a Stronghold will get something called a Black Site Key. After acquiring it you will se a skull on your map. That is the location of the Black Site. It is essentially a more complicated version of Stronghold. There’s more AI’s and a Juggernaut Boss. Unlocking this location will give you access to a permanent weapon Blueprint and temporary Legendary items. Additionally, you will gain access to a UAV that scans the area around the Black site until the circle the Black Site is in collapses.

We hope this article will help you decide on how to get your loadout or even if you get one at all. Make sure to read out other Call of Duty: Warzone 2 Articles!