How to Get More HP? Welcome to the ultimate guide on enhancing your HP in the adventurous realm of LEGO Fortnite! In this blocky universe, you kick off your journey with a modest health pool, and as you venture through a landscape teeming with peril—from wolves and spiders to skeletons and colossal dinosaurs—it becomes clear that fortifying your health is paramount to survival. As you set out on your quest for resources, it’s only natural to seek ways to bolster your well-being.
Are you curious if you can transcend the initial three hearts? Look no further, as we unveil the strategies and insights that will empower your LEGO Fortnite character with a robust health reserve. Brace yourself for a journey filled with tips, tricks, and secrets that will not only safeguard your in-game existence but also elevate your LEGO Fortnite experience to new heights. Let the exploration begin!
Table of Contents

How to Get More HP
Step 1: Unlock Improved Crafting Tables
- To enhance your health in LEGO Fortnite, start by unlocking and upgrading your crafting tables. The higher the level, the more potent Health Charms you can craft.
Step 2: Locate the Shield Icon
- Once you’ve upgraded your crafting table, navigate to the shield icon located on the crafting interface. This is where you’ll find the Health Charms.
Step 3: Craft a Health Charm
- Select the Health Charm option to view the available charms at different rarities. The rarity level determines the number of hearts it adds to your health. Common charms grant one extra heart, uncommon grants two, and rare grants three.
Step 4: Gather Materials
- Each Health Charm has specific crafting requirements based on its rarity. Collect the necessary materials listed for the chosen charm. The rarity level of your crafting table influences the quality of materials you can use.
Step 5: Craft and Equip
- Once you’ve gathered the materials, craft the Health Charm of your choice. After crafting, equip it in one of the four available charm slots.
Step 6: Stack Health Charms
- Maximize your health boost by stacking Health Charms. If, for instance, you have four uncommon Health Charms, you’ll enjoy an additional eight hearts. Experiment with different combinations to tailor your health pool to your preferred playstyle.
Now that you’re armed with the knowledge of crafting and stacking Health Charms, fortify your LEGO Fortnite character and face the challenges of the blocky world with confidence!

We hope you have now a better understanding on how to get more HP in Fortnite! If you liked this guide, make sure to check out our other LEGO Fortnite Articles!