How to Get Sawed-Off Shotgun in Alan Wake 2 in Alan Wake 2? Alan Wake 2 takes players on a thrilling journey through a world shrouded in darkness and mystery, and the arsenal of weapons available to the protagonists, Alan Wake and Saga Anderson, is crucial to their survival. Among these formidable tools of destruction, the Sawed-Off Shotgun stands out as a powerhouse, capable of unleashing devastating firepower. However, acquiring this weapon isn’t a straightforward task, and in this guide, we’ll illuminate the path to obtaining it. Join us as we uncover the secrets behind the Sawed-Off Shotgun’s combination code in Saga Anderson’s story, ensuring you have the firepower you need to face the darkness head-on.
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How to Get Sawed-Off Shotgun
Here’s a step-by-step guide on where to find the Sawed-Off Shotgun in Alan Wake 2 and how to obtain the combination code for the lock:
1. Progress to Saga Anderson’s Return Chapter 2 (The Heart):
- Make your way back to Cauldron Lake in Saga Anderson’s story.
2. Visit the Murder Scene and Witch’s Hut:
- Revisit the murder scene and explore the General Store where the shotgun is located. However, you won’t find the shotgun immediately.
3. Learn About the Heart and the Witch’s Hut:
- Progress through your Case File to reach the Witch’s Hut.
- Read the Manuscript Page in the Witch’s Hut.
- Perform Profiling on Nightingale as part of the story.
4. Return to the General Store:
- Once you have gathered the necessary information, return to the General Store.
5. Defeat the Cultist:
- A Cultist will burst out of a previously locked room in the General Store.
- Defeat the Cultist to access the room.
6. Find the Sawed-Off Shotgun:
- Inside the unlocked room, look on the wall to the right next to an Inventory Expansion Pack to find the Sawed-Off Shotgun.

7. Unlock the Shotgun Case:
- The shotgun is locked inside a case with a three-digit combination code.
- You’ll find a small note that provides a clue: “Check with Lady Fortuna at the counter.”
8. Discover the Combination Code:
- Head back into the previous room and go behind the counter to the register.
- Inspect the desk to find several crossed-out three-digit codes and two extra clues: the number for a palm reader and a lottery ticket.
9. Decode the Combination Code:
- Pay close attention to the lottery ticket numbers and cross-reference them against the crossed-out codes.
- Each of the codes corresponds to one of the lotto numbers, plus the number 7 – (7)05, (7)13, (7)17, and (7)23.
- Given that the note says not to forget to update, the next logical code should be 739.
10. Unlock the Case:
- Use the code “739” at the combination lock on the shotgun case.
- The Sawed-Off Shotgun will now be accessible to you.
11. Organize Your Inventory:
- Before heading into battle, take a moment to bind your weapons and healing items to Quick Slots.
- Access your gear and select each item to assign them to Quick Slots for quicker access during combat.
With the Sawed-Off Shotgun in your arsenal, you’ll be better equipped to confront the challenges and darkness that lie ahead in Alan Wake 2.

We hope with the help of this guide you were able to get the Sawed-Off Shotgun . If you liked this article, make sure to check out our other Alan Wake 2 Articles!