Kecleon has finally made its debut he’s the last of Generation III Ruby and Sapphire Pokémon to be added to Pokémon Go! Players have long awaited to complete their Pokedex and now it’s their chance. This Pokémon is not like the others there’s a special way to get it and what about it’s counterpart shiny? This how to get shiny Kecleon in Pokémon Go guide will tell you all about this special way and about his shiny version.

How can you catch Kecleon?
After the Chespin Community Day ends on January 7, Kecleon will be available to all players and can be found randomly at all Pokestops. Finding him is a bit tricky though since he will not spawn around the Lure Modules. Instead, you will have to interact with the Pokestops and there’s a chance you will receive a message telling you that an invisible object is preventing you from spinning it. You will be able to see the outline of the invisible Kecleon clinging to the front of the Pokestop. Start tapping on it and it will eventually disappear from the Pokestop. He will now spawn in the overworld right next to the Pokestop. Keep in mind that Kecleons don’t seem all that common to find.

How can you find a Shiny Kecleon?
Shiny Kecleon will only be available to all players worldwide when the Pokemon Tour: Hoenn – Global ends. The tour starts February 25th of 2023. For now it’s only available to players attending the Pokemon Go Tour: Hoenn is Las Vegas.

We hope you are able to capture a Kecleon and eventually a shiny one too! If you liked this guide, make sure to check out our other Pokémon Go Articles!