Welcome to the ultimate guide on obtaining the Gotterdammerung, the most formidable weapon in Final Fantasy 16. As you embark on your journey through this captivating world, the allure of power beckons, and none can rival the sheer might and Stagger damage potential that the Gotterdammerung bestows upon its wielder. However, heed the ancient wisdom, for the path to acquiring this legendary sword is strewn with challenges and trials that will test your mettle. Prepare to embark on a quest of epic proportions as we unveil the secrets, strategies, and sacrifices required to claim the Gotterdammerung in your first playthrough. Brace yourself, for the power that awaits you is both awe-inspiring and burdensome, and only those who dare to walk this treacherous path shall grasp the hilt of this legendary weapon.

How to Get the Gotterdammerung
Here’s the step-by-step guide to obtaining the Gotterdammerung Sword in Final Fantasy 16:
- Complete the four Blacksmith Blues quests centered around Blackthorn to obtain the Ragnarok Sword. These quests are sequential, meaning each one unlocks after completing the previous quest. The Ragnarok Sword is rewarded upon completing the fourth and final quest.
- Wait until you reach mainline Quest 35, “Here Be Monsters,” as this is the point in the game where the Blacksmith Blues quests naturally unlock. To initiate these quests, speak with August in The Mess at the Hideaway.
- Once you have obtained the Ragnarok Sword, it’s time to gather the necessary materials to craft the Gotterdammerung. You will need a Primitive Battlehorn, 3x Orichalcum, and 2x Dark Steel.
- To obtain the Primitive Battlehorn, you must defeat a Gobermouch, which is a Rank A bounty found on the Hunt Board. Defeating the Gobermouch will cause it to drop the Battlehorn as a reward.
- For the Dark Steel, you can acquire it by completing bounties such as the Prince of Death and Thanatos.
- After collecting all the required materials, return to the Black Hammer and upgrade your Ragnarok Sword into the mighty Gotterdammerung.
- The Gotterdammerung is the most powerful sword available to Clive during the first playthrough of Final Fantasy 16. It boasts an attack power and stagger rating of 375, making it an exceptional weapon for defeating formidable late-game enemies.
- Additionally, if you plan to embark on New Game+, the Gotterdammerung will prove to be a valuable asset until you can obtain the Ultima weapon.
Follow these steps diligently, brave adventurer, and wield the awe-inspiring might of the Gotterdammerung as you face the challenges that await you in Final Fantasy 16. May your path be victorious and your battles triumphant!

We hope with the help of this guide you were able to get the Gotterdammerung! Make sure to check out our other Final Fantasy 16 Guides!