Sons of the Forest is a popular survival horror game that requires players to navigate through challenging terrain while facing various obstacles and dangers. One of the essential tools for survival in the game is the Rope Gun, which can be used to scale walls and traverse tricky areas. In this article, we will guide you through the process of obtaining the Rope Gun, providing you with the necessary steps and tips to help you achieve success in your gameplay. Keep reading on how to get the rope gun!

How to Get the Rope Gun
To obtain the Rope Gun in Sons of the Forest, players need to make their way to a cave located west of the snowy mountains. The cave is situated next to a lake, and it is marked on the annotated map provided in the game. Once players reach the cave, they need to proceed forward until they enter a large room. This room is filled with cave cannibals, so players should be prepared to fight many enemies.
To reach the Rope Gun, players should stick to the left side of the cave until they find an opening to a new pathway. They should then follow this path until they reach a passageway that is blocked by a mutant. To open the entrance, players need to pick up the time bomb on the floor to the right of the blocked passage and throw it at the mutant.
Players should then continue forward through the cave until they reach the first fork in the road. The left path leads to a page that provides a bit of lore, while the right path leads to the Rope Gun. Following the right path, players will reach another fork in the road. The left path leads to a dead end with a few materials available to pick up, while the right path leads to the Rope Gun.
At the end of the path, players will find a cliff with a briefcase containing the Rope Gun. They need to collect the Rope Gun and use it on the zipline to reach the exit of the cave. By following these steps, players can successfully obtain the Rope Gun and use it to navigate through the game’s toughest challenges.

How to Use the Rope Gun
The Rope Gun in Sons of the Forest serves two primary purposes. Firstly, it enables players to create ziplines that can help them reach higher or lower elevations. Secondly, it allows players to ride these ziplines to move around the game world more efficiently.
To create a zipline, players must equip the Rope Gun and shoot it at a point on the environment where they want to place one of the ends of the zipline. A white dot will appear on the screen, indicating where the zipline will be placed. Once the first point is set, players need to shoot the Rope Gun again to place the other end of the zipline.
However, players require zipline rope to create the zipline, which can be made by combining one rope and one printed grappling hook. By using the Rope Gun and creating ziplines, players can explore the game world with greater ease and efficiency, making progress through the game’s challenges more manageable.

Check out this short video on How to Get the Rope Gun:
We hope with the help of this guide you were able to find and learnt how to use the rope gun in Sons of the Forest! If you liked this article, make sure to check out our other Sons of the Forest guides!