Blair Witch is a psychedelic horror game based on the iconic Blair Witch films. This step-by-step guide will show all you horror fans how to get the games secret ending. The film ends with the disappearance of the students as the camera dies before revealing whatever happened to them. The game picks up the story 2 years into the future as a cop is sent into these same woods to find a lost boy.

What makes this game special is that there’s multiple endings, and which one you get will depend on your decisions and actions while playing through the story. There are five possible endings the ‘take his face’ ending which is also known as the ‘bad ending’. The ‘break the cycle’ ending also known as the ‘good ending’. The good dog, the bad dog and the secret ending. This article will focus solely on the secret ending.
So how do you unlock this secret ending?
There’s actually two possible secret endings ‘Last Goodbye’ and ‘Last Transmission”. These endings are additional scenes that reveal the true fates of certain characters in the game, Bullet and Peter. So, without further ado here’s how you unlock both secret endings.

Last Goodbye – Bullet’s True Fate
For all you animal lovers out there we can’t forget about Bullet! Bullet is your loyal dog companion, and the ‘Last Goodbye’ secret ending will depend on how you treat your furry friend.
It can be quite tricky to unlock this ending so make sure you follow all the guidelines correctly, but it all comes down to taking good care of Bullet. Below you have the five main things you need to do to make sure you unlock this ending.
- Pet Bullet every time he brings you something. Also, pet him occasionally, just make sure too much time doesn’t pass by between pets.
- Make sure Bullet stays close. Never leave him behind or let him run off.
- Feed Bullet the dog treats in your inventory.
- Destroy as many totems as possible.
- In Chapter 14 you need to keep carrying Bullet until you collapse. Never let him go.

Last Transmission – Peter’s True Fate
Peter Shannon is the missing boy that Ellis (‘you’) is looking for. Follow these steps to find out Peter’s true fate.
- In Chapter 17 there will be a door with the Blair Witch symbol on it.
- To the right of the door, you should see a battery on top of a small table.
- After collecting the battery complete the game.
- Restart the game.
- Load up chapter 4 and enter the bunker.
- You should see a door that needs a code.
- Unlock the door using the code 2113.
- You should see an item. Crouch down and use the battery.

We hope you were able to get the secret endings and if you enjoyed this guide make sure to check out our other Blair Witch articles!