Let’s be honest everyone prefers to be in the centre of the action when playing Overwatch 2. Every team needs a healer but it’s way more fun to be the hero whose role is essentially to do aggressive engagements and disengagements, disrupting enemy strategies and denying them areas and who better to do this with than Wrecking Ball! This how to play Wrecking Ball guide will tell you all you need to know about this hero!

Who wouldn’t want to be a hamster inside a giant robot? Let’s talk about what exactly this hero does. Wrecking Ball is considered a tank, the main goal of a Tank is to be on the frontline. Due to their high health, they can absorb a lot of damage while drawing the attention of your enemies. Wrecking Ball is a special kind of Tank, he excels at causing chaos.
How to Unlock Wrecking Ball
To unlock this hero, you can either purchase the Watchpoint Pack for the whopping price of 39.99 euros along with 34 other heroes, skins, coins, and the battle pass or if you don’t want to spend money you can unlock him by playing around 130 matches. If you’re an Overwatch veteran and you merged your accounts, he should be available to play right away. In case you don’t know how to do this you can check out our How to Merge Accounts article.

Wrecking Ball’s Abilities
Blizzard made some changes to Wrecking Ball’s abilities in Overwatch 2, giving him an armour and health boost. Now having 150 armour and 550 health. His adaptive shield also got a buff receiving a two-meter increase in its radius and you now receive 100 health from every enemy inside this radius. The roll ability also got a buff of an additional 36%. Now let’s get into what exactly this hero brings to the table!
- Quad Cannons – Type: Primary weapon. The cannons rapidly shoot bullets at 25 shots per second dealing 5 damage per shot. The weapon has a total of 80 bullets it takes 21 seconds to reload.
- Roll – Type: Ability. Transforms into a ball while boosting overall movement speed at the cost of the ability to fire.
- Grappling Claw – Type: Ability. Transforms into a ball and can launch a grappling claw that attaches to a surface. You can use this claw to swing around and drive into enemies causing knockback and minor damage.
- Piledriver – Type: Ability. Slam into the ground to cause damage and launch enemies upward.
- Adaptive Shield – Create temporary personal extra health. Amount increases with more enemies nearby.
- Minefield – Type: Ultimate. Deploy a massive field of proximity mines that cause damage to enemies nearby.

How to use mobility correctly?
The number one thing you need to learn is how to perfect Wrecking Ball’s movement. You might have noticed when you were reading about his abilities that many of them are mobility related. Well, this trait is what makes Wrecking Ball stand out. Apart from the fact that he’s a hamster inside a giant robot… Anyways, Piledriver and Minefield are abilities that cause damage to enemies nearby meaning you can combine the mobility with these two making it the icing on top of the cake.
You can use the Grappling Claw or Roll ability to get close to the enemy team in conjunction with the Adaptive Shield ability you will be regaining health giving you an advantage. In addition, you can also use the Grappling Claw to get height and activate Piledriver slamming into the ground inflicting damage to your opponents while launching them up in the air. You may use this extra mobility that this hero possesses to simply confuse the enemy team.
Once you master this hero’s mobility you will surely be an asset for any team!
How to get the most out of the ultimate?
Minefield can be a fairly disappointing Ultimate ability. You will often find that enemies simply discover a way around the proximity mines destroying them within a couple of seconds. Thus, we would advise that you use Minefield near an objective or in high-traffic areas along the map, as this doesn’t allow enemies to solely focus on avoiding the mines. You can also be up in the air when dispersing the mines, this helps covering a larger radius.

Keep all this in mind when queuing up your next game. Wrecking Ball can be a complicated hero to master but in the right hands it’s an extremely capable tank. Make sure to check out our other Overwatch 2 articles!