Hogwarts Legacy is an action role-playing video game set in the wizarding world of Harry Potter. One of the exciting features of the game is the inclusion of several chess puzzlez that players will have to solve in order to open a couple chests. Chess is a popular game that requires critical thinking and strategy, and the puzzle in Hogwarts Legacy will likely be no different. In this article, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to solve the chess puzzle in Hogwarts Legacy, along with some tips and tricks to help you along the way. Whether you’re a chess master or a novice player, we’ve got you covered. Let’s get started!

First Chess Puzzle: Poidsear Coast
The chess puzzle you need to solve can be found in a cave nestled in the northwestern fringes of Poidsear Coast, the initial portion of the southern half of the game’s map. You’ll want to tread carefully in this area as it’s rated for players at levels 20-40, making it a challenging zone for those who haven’t progressed halfway through the game. If you do decide to venture to the cave, be aware that it’s situated near a nest of particularly dangerous spiders that you’ll want to eliminate before entering. Alternatively, if you have the ability to use an invisibility spell, you could try slipping by undetected.

To gain entry into the cave, you’ll need to spin the two windmills located outside the entrance. Rapidly cast Depluso on each windmill until the entrance barriers retract. Once both windmills are fully spun, the entrance will remain unlocked. Once inside, descend the stairs and navigate past heaps of pots and other debris until you come across a massive chessboard.

Solving the Puzzle
To proceed in the game, you’ll need to use the spell Revelio to uncover a hidden object in the room that resembles a chess piece. Once revealed, use the Transformation spell to convert the object into an actual chess piece. The object you find may vary, but your goal remains the same: to “checkmate” the black king by placing the chess piece on a square that allows it to capture the king.
Here are the correct positions for each chess piece to checkmate the king:
- Rook: directly in front of or to the sides of the king
- Bishop: diagonally of the king
- Knight: two spaces to the side and one space up, or one space to the side and two spaces up (in an L-shaped movement)
- Pawn: one space diagonally of the king
If you place the chess piece correctly, it will collide with the black king and cause it to crumble, unlocking a chest behind it. Inside the chest you’ll find a scarf.

Second Chess Puzzle: Marunweem Lake
The location of the next chess puzzle is situated in the central bulge of the region, near a small hamlet and adjacent to a poacher camp. Just like the previous location, this region is only suitable for players between levels 20-40, so proceed with caution. Eliminate the poachers in the area and search for the entrance to the cave, located within a cliff face behind the camp.

To proceed with the next puzzle, you must locate a nearby tent that holds a puzzle cube. Inside the tent, there is a cage protecting the puzzle cube that you need to unlock using Alohomora spell. However, it is important to note that unlocking the cage requires at least level three proficiency in the Alohomora spell. To attain level three proficiency, you must collect all of the Demiguise statues. Once you obtain the puzzle cube, you must use your Levitation spell to move it towards the pedestal located in front of the cave entrance. Once in position, use the Glacius spell on the cube to progress further in the game.

Solving the Puzzle
To proceed with solving the puzzle, you must again use the Revelio spell to locate an object that looks like a chess piece, and then cast Transformation on it. This time, the object may be different from the previous one, depending on the game’s algorithm. In my experience, it was a pot with an oblong tip resembling a bishop. After transforming the object, you must then use your Levitation spell to place the chess piece on a square where it can capture the black king piece. The cheat sheet below outlines the valid moves for each chess piece:
- Rook: Can move directly in front or to the sides of the king.
- Bishop: Can move diagonally of the king.
- Knight: Can move two spaces to the side and one space up, or one space to the side and two spaces up (in an L-shaped movement).
- Pawn: Can move one space diagonally of the king.
If you have correctly placed the chess piece, the king piece will collapse, unlocking the chest behind it, and rewarding you with a new scarf for your collection.

Check out this short video on How to Solve the Chess Puzzles:
We hope with the help of this guide you were able to solve the chess puzzles. If you liked this article, make sure to check out our other Hogwarts Legacy Guides!