Hello my meme content seekers, you have come to the right place! For today I will be giving you info on the Ringed Finger, a disgustingly funny and strong weapon to have in Elden Ring!

This article will cover up the description of the weapon, what it is, what is does, their requirements to be handled and, of course, where to find it. So let’s wait no more and check it out!
Weapon’s Info
The Ringed Finger is a hammer weapon, yes, a hammer. It definitely doesn’t look like it, but it is written on the game’s description, so yeah. It’s funny, since their normal attack animations looks just like a slicing sword, but anyways.

Apart from their regular attacks, the Ringed Finger has an unique and special attack, the Claw Flick. It is pretty self-explanatory; the finger just flicks at the enemies. But don’t take it for granted, it is a quite powerful attack, and it gets better after upgrading the weapon. It is useful for breaking through enemies’ guards and stances.
Because of all that, it is possible to make some funny moments in combats. Well, that’s why the Ringed Finger turned out to be a great meme material in the first place. But I won’t get into details, since this is a family friendly place, come on.

Oh yeah, since this weapon is based primarily on Strength and on Dexterity, the requirements to handle it are based on these statuses as well:
- Strength > 15
- Dexterity > 9
Weapon’s Location
The Ringed Finger can be found on a very specific place. It can be passed by pretty easily if you don’t explore at the right way.

So, after some time playing the game and walking through a lot, you will encounter Gelmir Hero’s Grave, a temple-looking dungeon. Just enter there and take the elevator.
When you get to the last floor, just follow the path on the left and you’ll enter a dungeon full of skeletons, a deadly giant chariot trying to kill you and lots of lava. Yep, lava on a closed dungeon, nice.

Now, here’s the plan:
- Follow down the stone path. Just go straight without looking back.
- After a few steps, you’ll have to deal with some jumping skeletons and a Deadly Chariot that covers the entire hall. When that thing from hell comes to you, just take cover on the corners. Careful, because there may be skeletons there as well.
- Oh yeah, the Chariot goes up and down, so take a look for that.
- In the hiding corners spots, more specifically on the left, you will find another hall. Ignore that and continue going straight down.
- After more steps, you’ll find yourself without a path anymore, being only lava left. That’s the right path.
- Continue going down by rolling on the lava. Yep, you read that right. By rolling on the lava you take less damage, but still, it is a good idea to bring some healing flasks just to stay safe.
- When you end the path, just continue by going on the left. There, you’ll finally get to the regular non-lethal ground again.
- Just follow through and you’ll get into a creepy room with a treasure chest in the end. Just go there, open it, and take your weird price, champ.

And that was it for how to take the Ringed Finger on Elden Ring! Now you can enjoy snapping it into your enemies b… backs! I meant backs. Anyways, hope it helped, and see you on more tutorials ahead!
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