Elden Ring has been out for a while and took the world by storm! The game has kept its freshness by releasing a brand new DLC called Colosseum. You may have noticed the Colosseums before however they have only just started opening introducing an organized PvP system that allows up to six players. If you wish to partake in either team battles, 1v1 duels or free for all skirmishes this how to unlock each colosseum guide in Elden Ring has all the answers you need!

The combat system may be a bit different from what you’ve seen before in Elden Ring and downloading the DLC isn’t enough to jump into this mode. In order to unlock all the Colosseums and combat forms you will have to do certain levels of explorations which we will explain in our guide below.
How Can You Unlock Each Colosseum?
There are three Colosseums in total they are spread out across the Lands Between and each one of them has different PvP modes. The Limgrave Colosseum has the modes United Combat and Combat Ordeal, the Leyendell Colosseum has the Duel Combat mode and finally but not least the Caelid Colosseum has the Spirit Ash capabilities.
The good news is that to unlock these exclusive areas all you must do is find them and walk through the front door. After an area is unlocked, you won’t have to travel to the Colosseum to access it. Instead, you can use the statue of Marika in the Roundtable Hold found in the center room to the right of the fireplace where Roderika can sometimes be found standing.

Where can you find the Colosseums?
Each Colosseum ranges in difficulty and progress in order to unlock them. Below you can see all the locations for each of them.
- Limgrave Colosseum – This Colosseum is available from the start of the game and is the easiest one to get into. It’s found on Limgrave’s North coastline, head to the Warmaster’s Shack Site of Grace and take the path North, under the bridge leading to the first of the Elden Ring Divine Tower locations. You should see the Colosseum ahead of you.
- Leyendell Colosseum – Unlike Limgrave this Colosseum will require a smidgen more effort and progress in the game. First you will need to have reached the Royal Capital upon defeating a Draconic Tree Sentinel. Cross the city using the stone dragon’s body by climbing its wing on the city’s west side and drop onto the ramparts. Take the bridge across and you will see the Colosseum at the top of a large hill.
- Caelid Colosseum – And finally, but not least, The Caelid Colosseum! This is by far the trickiest one to unlock. You will need to discover the Siofra River before attempting to unlock this one. Take the Deep Siofra Well up to the surface and follow the canyon North, past the giant archer golems. Eventually you’ll reach the coast, with the Great-Jar NPC sitting in front of the Colosseum.

We hope you easily found all the Colosseums! Make sure to check out our other Elden Ring Articles!