In the vastness of space, where exciting adventures happen among the stars and mysteries hide in the depths of the universe, Starfieldis a big and exciting journey. As you explore this huge universe, you’ll come across important main quests that give you hints about something called the Pilgrim’s Room. But, if you want to get the most out of your journey, there’s a hidden secret called the Pilgrim’s Computer that can be tricky to find. While doing faction missions, building outposts, and exploring space are all fun, unlocking the Pilgrim’s Room needs careful attention and an interest in uncovering the universe’s complex stories. This guide will be your helpful companion, full of information and tips to help you open the Pilgrim’s Computer in Starfield. Get ready to explore the cosmos with us as we dive into Starfield’s mysteries and unlock the Pilgrim’s Room together.
Table of Contents

How to Unlock the Pilgrim’s Room
Unlocking the Pilgrim’s Computer at Pilgrim’s Rest involves answering specific questions correctly. You can answer them even if you haven’t found the notes with the answers. Here’s a step-by-step guide:
- Arrive at Pilgrim’s Rest: Explore the Pilgrim’s Rest area until you reach a small base filled with various items and notes.
- Locate the Locked Door: Find the locked door inside the base. This door won’t open with lockpicking, so you must answer its questions correctly to proceed.
- Answer the Questions: Interact with the locked door, and it will present you with a series of questions. Here are the questions and their correct answers:
- Question 1: “If you came seeking the right answers, you will know what question to ask.”
- Answer: “What is the Unity?”
- Question 2: “I return the question with a question. If you have read my writings, what is the burden of the people?”
- Answer: “People are necessary. But people are madness.”
- Question 3: “Who is your most formidable opponent?”
- Answer: “Myself.”
- Question 4: “Where does enduring contentment come from?”
- Answer: “In stopping, in embracing compassion.”
- Question 1: “If you came seeking the right answers, you will know what question to ask.”
- Interact with the Computer: After providing the correct answers to all the questions, the locked door will open, granting you access to the Pilgrim’s Computer.
Note: You can answer these questions correctly without needing to locate the notes with the answers. This means you can head straight to the door and input the correct responses without scouring the entire base for the notes.

We hope you have now a better understanding on how to unlock the Pilgrim’s Room in Starfield! If you liked this guide, make sure to check out our other Starfield Articles!