So, are you willing to try out the hardest lane in League of Legends? Bold move, especially since this role is also the most criticized on the chat. You maaay be lucky enough to have a supportive team on your side, who are glad to help you on objectives, team fights and showing you which way to go next… but come on, we know how unlikely that is, so, first things first, let’s mute these annoying people.

- Before entering a game, you can mute teammates and opponents on the game client. Just go to Settings, then Interface and lastly Chat.
- There, you will see checkboxes written Show [All] Chat (Matched Game) and Show [Allied] Chat.
- Just click on these and now you are free from toxicity from any and every one, yay!
Okaaay now, jokes aside, even though there are many toxic people in League, communication is still the key to win a match, after all, it’s still a cooperative game, and as a Jungler, talking to your teammates is crucial. Here is how to jungle.
1. Choosing a champion
There are plenty of Jungle champions, even the ones that are not meant for that role are used. It may be as a fun challenge or just because, on right hands and with right builds, it can work pretty well. Still, as a beginner, is best to use the easiest ones just to practice and get the hang of things.

The easiest and the simplest characters to play are: Warwick, Rammus, Nunu and Willump, Master Yi, Amumu, Jarvan IV, Xin Zhao, and Vi.
Of course, if you are already used to the game or even if you like a bit of a challenge, you can start with more complex champions, that usually have more fun mechanics to play as well. Some examples are: Zac, Lee Sin, Kayn, Kha’Zix, Rengar, Evelynn, Hecarim, Camille, and (everyone’s favorite waifu) Rek’Sai.
After choosing some champions to practice, remember to study them well. What are their abilities, strengths, weakness, best runes for each occasion and, of course, the best items for them in game. Yes, I know this part is somewhat boring, especially since champions, runes and items get regular updates every week or so, but trust me, these are important points for becoming strong on the Rift.
2. Know your job
But what exactly does a Jungler? Well, first of all, the way a Jungler farm is different from the other roles. Instead of farming on minions that spawn on the lanes, they farm the animals on the Jungle, and that is the main way to gain experience points to level up and gold to buy items. The other way, which serves for every other role as well, is trough kills or giving assistance in killing the enemies.

- So, in a nutshell, your job is to farm on the jungle to get stronger as quickly as possible, especially, faster than the opponent’s Jungler, so you can easier defeat them if an encounter happens.
- Also, your job is to help the other lanes progress. If you get a chance to ambush and kill or to assist in a kill on the Top Lane, for example, you go there and help your ally. This act is called Gank, which works pretty well against very advanced opponents or if they are out of position alone. Your teammates are going to ask of you to gank frequently, so remember, communication is important here. A synchronized team is a winning team.
- Lastly, but definitely not least, you are in charge of the objectives, that happens on bottom and upper river. The objectives in League are defeating the Dragons, the Elder Dragon, the Rift Herald and the infamous Baron Nashor. They are summoned on the map after some time and each of them has unique pros and buffs for the entire team. Here’s a chart to help you:
Objectives | First Spawn | Respawns |
Dragons | At 5:00 min. | Every 5 minutes after defeating it |
Rift Herald | At 8:00 min. | After 6 minutes, just appears twice in game. |
Baron Nashor | At 20:00 min. | After 7 minutes |
Elder Dragon | At 35:00 min. | After 6 minutes |
Just be careful because these monsters are strong and are better being defeated with a team, so again, communication. Oh yeah, and be extra careful by not being ganked by the other team while doing so. Always remember to gain vision on the map by using sentinels or by killing the Scuttle Crab that appear near the objectives. Or, if the fight is inevitable, be sure to have your allies close, so you are able to win the team fight and to win the monster’s buffs.
3. Routes to follow
As mentioned, it is crucial to not waste any time as a Jungler. Even a bit of delay may be fatal for the match, so move along the map efficiently. One of the easiest ways and most used one is shown in the image below, so let’s see it:

- 1. First, go to the Red. Usually the Bot Lane will follow and help you defeat it, so doing so becomes easier and faster. Red gives you buffs as true damage, HP regeneration while out of combat and gives slow to enemies that are hit by you.
- 2. Second, go to the rocks (yes, rocks). They are quite annoying to defeat so, if you wish, you can go right at number 3.
- 3. Then, go to the chickens. They are quite easy and fun to farm.
Obs. Here, you have the choice to go straight to number 4 or to explore the river. If you do so, it is important to defeat the Scuttle Crab to gain vision on the map. Also, if you have the opportunity to gank a lane, do it.
- 4. Go for the wolves, they are also simple to defeat.
- 5. Finally, get to the Blue, where you can get some cooldown reduction, mana regeneration and a buff on magic skills. Be careful though to not be ganked by the opponent’s jungler, who is willing to steal your Blue. Always pay attention on the map.
- 6. Here it is important to explore the river. Again, by killing the crab and by ganking if possible.
- 7. After that, you can defeat the frog, and lastly, if there’s nothing else to do, you can go to base, recover all HP and MP, buy new items and farm all over again, paying attention to your teammates who needs help.
Also, don’t forget the objectives mentioned earlier, and you are good to go. Now go practice and become your enemies’ worst nightmare! Have a great match and see you on the Rift!
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