As a wizard or witch in Hogwarts Legacy, you’ll encounter many challenging puzzles and obstacles to overcome. One such puzzle is the Secret Viaduct Bridge, a tricky task that can leave even the most skilled players scratching their heads. But fear not! In this article, we’ll guide you through the steps to successfully complete the Secret Viaduct Bridge puzzle in Hogwarts Legacy. Get ready to unlock a new level of wizarding mastery!

Where to find the Secret Viaduct Bridge Puzzle
The puzzle at hand, named the Viaduct Bridge puzzle, entails the search for a bridge located within Hogwarts Castle. The most expeditious route to reach the puzzle’s location involves utilizing the Divination Classroom Floo Flame, situated in The Library Annex, as a primary means of transportation. Upon arriving at this location, proceed downward through the staircases and into the main area. Following this, navigate towards the sizable double doors that lie ahead, and upon passing through them, you will arrive at the location of the Viaduct Bridge – the focal point of the forthcoming puzzle.

How To Complete Hogwarts Secret Viaduct Bridge Puzzle
The puzzle requires you to utilize a fire spell, such as “Incendio” or “Confringo,” on various braziers along the stone railings of the bridge in a specific sequence. It is essential to ensure that you have one of these spells unlocked and readily available on your Spell Set.
Once you approach the bridge, you will see these braziers and need to ignite them using the fire spell. You can then interact with them to maneuver them in the proper sequence to solve the puzzle. The sequence can be found on a grate located at the beginning of the bridge, making it easier to follow and complete the puzzle successfully.
The correct sequence is:
1 – Triangle with six lines
2 – Double circle with line
3 – Triangle with circle and line
4 – Square with cross
After you have successfully lit the braziers in the correct sequence, the grate mentioned previously will open, allowing you to proceed downwards. Once you have descended, you will discover three chests that you can unlock and claim some valuable rewards from. These chests contain various items that are worth your time and effort to loot.

Check out this short video on how to solve the Secret Viaduct Bridge Puzzle:
We hope with the help of this guide you were able to complete the Hogwarts Secret Viaduct Bridge Puzzle. If you liked this article, make sure to check out our other Hogwarts Legacy Guides!