Overwatch 2 has a big selection of heroes and knowing what hero to pick can be quite difficult. There are several factors that can affect this decision like what class of hero fits you best or what level of skill you have or even what your team needs and what map you’re playing on. This how to pick your hero guide will hopefully answer all the questions you may have.

Some people prefer to main a hero others prefer to switch it up regardless of what you prefer you are always going to like some heroes more than others and this guide will merely enlighten you which ones are the best for you.
Depending on what level of skill you fall in things apply to you differently. If you’re a beginner you will want to experience all heroes in order to fight enemies playing them, you need to know the abilities of the heroes. However, when you start playing more seriously or even ranked you will want to start specializing by this, we don’t mean playing one hero and one hero only specializing within 3-4 viable heroes is an optimal strategy.

Classes of Heroes
There are three types of classes in Overwatch 2. Them being Tank, Damage and Support. All of them play a crucial role in helping your team and disrupting the enemy while securing your team’s victory.
The Tank class is the front line of the team whether its attacking or defending. Their main role is to shield incoming damage due to their high health when compared to Damage and Support classes. When attacking this class has the ability to make space for his team creating a big obstacle for the enemy squad to compete with. Their passive ability also reduces the amount of knockback they receive from other heroes when you combine this with its own ability to stun or knockback enemies.

The Damage class are the heavy hitter of the team and causing damage is their primary focus. The heroes in this class are very mobile and fast meaning they can deal a great amount of damage and swiftly escape. They also have a passive ability that gives a burst of movement and reload speed every time they get an elimination. They are also great flankers and excel at eliminating enemies.

The Support class is the team’s lifeline they keep your team alive by healing and giving an advantage in a fight. They support their team by more ways than just healing. This can be by boosting a teammates damage output, increasing their movement speed, or even preventing the enemy team from healing their teammates. Supports don’t have much health, but they have a passive ability that automatically heals them over time.

Best Heroes for Beginner and Experienced Players
The best tank for beginners is Reinhardt and also for advanced players. This is due to the fact that Reinhardt is one of the best defenders in Overwatch 2 he wields a massive hammer in battle capable of dealing extents amounts of damage to the enemy team even though his range leaves something to be desired he can make short work. His biggest asset is his shield it can take up to 1200 damage.
Orisa is a great tank for more experienced players if you prefer a more active tank, she has a greater range than Reinhardt however she has a longer cooldown timer.

The best Damage for beginners is Soldier 76 since he functions like any shooter character with a riffle and a regular sprint ability on top of that he also has a selfheal ability with a short cool down timer and can lob rockets at enemies with his alternate weapon.
Tracer is a great Damage for skilled players she’s great at confounding enemies with movement. She can dash at high speeds up to three times in a row and rewind time slightly restoring health and ammo. This takes some practice that’s why we recommend it to more experienced players.

The best support hero for beginners is Moira she’s a support with a high damage rate. She can fling an orb of energy that either damages foes or heals allies. She’s pretty straightforward to use just remember she’s a support so health your team don’t get carried away with her high damage abilities. We have a Moira guide if you want to learn more about her.
Lucio is a great support for more skilled players he provides a constant source of healing or movement speed with no cooldown timer. He takes some practice to master that’s why we recommend him to more advanced players.

We hope this guide helped you pick your Hero. Make sure to check out our other Overwatch 2 Articles!